[pkg-lxc-devel] Bug#1010469: Bug#1010469: Bug#1010437: autopkgtest: autopkgtest-build-lxc fails to build working lxc environment

Pierre-Elliott Bécue peb at debian.org
Mon Aug 1 21:44:16 BST 2022

Julian Gilbey <jdg at debian.org> wrote on 08/06/2022 at 10:50:18+0200:

> notfixed 1010469 1:4.0.11-1
> thanks
>> I decided to reinstall my system from scratch, and now this bug has
>> gone away.  So as no-one else could reproduce it and I have no idea
>> what has changed on my system as a result of reinstalling, I'm closing
>> it with an "unreproducible" tag.
> Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  It's just happened again.
> I am so completely stumped by this one.

What apparmor profile are you trying to run your container with?

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