[pkg-lxc-devel] trixie goal: replace use of lxc-templates with distrobuilder

Pierre-Elliott Bécue peb at debian.org
Fri Feb 16 17:42:23 GMT 2024


Mathias Gibbens <gibmat at debian.org> wrote on 11/02/2024 at 03:06:08+0100:

> [[PGP Signed Part:No public key for 29EEE2D6ECF442F9 created at 2024-02-11T03:06:08+0100 using RSA]]
>   You've probably noticed I've been working through bugs for lxc-
> templates the past couple of weeks -- I uploaded a new version of that
> package to unstable earlier today closing some, and I've finished
> triaging the remaining ones.
>   I'd like to set a goal of deprecating the use of lxc-templates in
> favor of distrobuilder for the trixie release. lxc-templates is
> essentially unmaintained upstream, and for several years the lxc
> developers have been recommending distrobuilder instead. I'm working on
> the packaging of distrobuilder, and expect to have it submitted to NEW
> within a few weeks.
>   The 6.0 LTS release of lxc should happen later this spring, and it
> seems logical to make the switch as part of those packaging updates.
> lxc-templates would be dropped from bin:lxc's Recommends field and
> replaced with distrobuilder. lxc-templates will still exist in the
> archive until at least after the forky release, if not longer as long
> as no serious issues arise.
>   I know there are active users of lxc-templates (such as the debci
> folks) who we will want to coordinate with to minimize any disruptions
> caused by the change. As the beginning of the trixie freezes won't
> start until next January, I think there should be more than enough time
> to iron out any issues that might arise.
>   Thoughts or concerns?

No concern at all. distrobuilder is a nice tool, but as lxd, it drags
the world in Go deps.

At some point I became tired of go packaging so I dropped the ball.

I'd just keep lxc-templates around for one more release at least.



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