[Pkg-lxde-maintainers] Bug#843341: lxde: installing lxde doesn't give me an LXDE session

Mike Kupfer m.kupfer at acm.org
Sat Nov 5 23:36:20 UTC 2016

Package: lxde
Version: 7
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

Using Synaptic in an XFCE session, I installed the "lxde" package.
After logging out, I expected to be able to select the LXDE session in
the lightdm controls, but LXDE was not listed.  I had to install
lxde-common as well to get an LXDE session.  Also, when installing
lxde-common, I noticed that it, not lxde, pulled in openbox.

I guess lxde-common was not pulled in because I already had a package
installed that provides x-session-manager.  I think that for most
users, this does not provide the right behavior.  And the current
behavior doesn't align with the documentation in

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.7.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/1 CPU core)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages lxde depends on:
ii  galculator                         2.1.4-1
ii  gpicview                           0.2.5-2
ii  leafpad                  
ii  lxappearance                       0.6.2-1
ii  lxappearance-obconf                0.2.3-1
ii  lxde-common [x-session-manager]    0.99.1-1
ii  lxde-core                          7
ii  lxde-icon-theme                    0.5.1-1
ii  lxinput                            0.3.5-1
ii  lxrandr                            0.3.1-1
ii  lxsession [x-session-manager]      0.5.1-2
pn  lxsession-edit                     <none>
ii  lxterminal                         0.2.0-1
ii  openbox [x-session-manager]        3.6.1-3
ii  xarchiver                          1:0.5.4-5
ii  xfce4-session [x-session-manager]  4.12.1-4

Versions of packages lxde recommends:
pn  alsamixergui                 <none>
pn  clipit                       <none>
pn  deluge | transmission-gtk    <none>
pn  evince-gtk | pdf-viewer      <none>
pn  gnome-disk-utility           <none>
pn  gnome-mplayer                <none>
pn  gnome-system-tools           <none>
ii  gucharmap                    1:9.0.1-1
ii  i3-wm [x-window-manager]     4.12-2
ii  lightdm [x-display-manager]  1.18.2-2
pn  lxmusic | audacious          <none>
ii  lxsession [lxpolkit]         0.5.1-2
pn  menu-xdg                     <none>
ii  network-manager-gnome        1.4.2-1
ii  openbox [x-window-manager]   3.6.1-3
pn  usermode                     <none>
ii  w3m [www-browser]            0.5.3-31
ii  xfwm4 [x-window-manager]     4.12.3-3
ii  xserver-xorg                 1:7.7+16

Versions of packages lxde suggests:
pn  gimp                                <none>
ii  gnome-packagekit [update-notifier]  3.20.0-1
pn  libreoffice                         <none>
pn  lxlauncher                          <none>
pn  lxtask                              <none>
pn  pidgin                              <none>
ii  xfce4-power-manager                 1.4.4-4

-- no debconf information

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