[Pkg-lxde-maintainers] Bug#988696: LXDE: Please include a user-friendly network management tool

Amy Kos amy at disroot.org
Sun Sep 26 14:03:03 BST 2021


if you want to prefer network-manager, better do it in lxde metapackage
instead of task-lxde-desktop which depends on the lxde metapackage.
For instance change line 44 from
 connman-gtk | network-manager-gnome | wicd, deluge | transmission-gtk,
 network-manager-gnome | connman-gtk | wicd, deluge | transmission-gtk,

If you want to keep connman it looks like there is a status icon option:
> -Duse_status_icon=[true,false]
> Enable or disable the status icon. Future GTK versions might remove the support for status icons, but as of 3.18 the support is still there, just deprecated.

By the way, there is a similar feature request for Lxqt too:

And as for https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=994875 I'm afraid everything worked as expected:
> as far as I remember connman ignores /etc/network/interfaces by design.
> Lxde metapackage in buster recommends wicd which is not available in bullseye due to the deprecation of python 2.
> Therefore lxde metapackage in bullseye recommends connman-gtk (connman).


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