[pkg-lynx-maint] switching contents of lynx and lynx-cur (was: git migration)
Axel Beckert
abe at debian.org
Sat Feb 14 01:19:24 UTC 2015
Hi Andreas,
Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Some thoughts about moving the content to lynx:
> - The argument about the end-user having difficulties finding and
> installing lynx seems weak to me. apt(-get) install lynx works
> perfectly fine. Imho the only strong argument for a transition is
> that the situation afterwards would be more aesthetically
> pleasing.
Yeah, it's indeed some kind of pedantry:
* I generally dislike having transitional packages for more than one
stable release. They're obsolete afterwards.
* If they're not considered obsolete after one stable release, they're
not really transitional packages and shouldn't be declared as such.
A nice example for such a transitional-ish looking but
non-transitional package is IMHO "ash" due to the contained symlink.
Then again there are also transitional packages with such a symlink
which I will remove after Jessie nevertheless: zsh-beta for example.
> - The thing is not completely trivial, since it involves moving of
> a dpkg conffile which requires some effort to avoid unnecessary dpkg
> conffile prompts. (Which would be an rc bug.)
>From my PoV it's a simple dpkg-maintscript-helper via debhelper.
> - We would need to ship a lynx-cur metapackage up until and including
> Stretch.
Yes, that's the plan. _Only_ for Stretch, and kill it between Stretch
and Buster.
> So I /personally/ would not rename the package. Or to rephrase: The
> small ugliness could not motivate *me* to invest the necessary
> amount of work.
The point for me is: It's not a _small_ ugliness to me but a bigger
one which bothers me for quite some stable releases.
So yeah, I'd definitely invest that time to polish up this package.
> However I can understand that you are offended more strongly by the
> current situation. ;-)
Appreciated. :-)
> If that is true I would suggest to go the whole nine yards and also
> move to the lynx source package name.
I wouldn't:
* I care _way_ more about the binary names (where end-users have
contact) than about the source package names (where nearly only
developers have contact).
* If someone wants to bring back lynx stable releases to Debian, it's
a simple binary rename game again and lynx-cur won't need to have to
change the source name again (and go through the NEW queue again).
I though don't expect this to happen soon.
* Renaming the source packages involves the NEW queue. I'd like to
avoid that detour if possible.
* Exchanging the contents of our current two binary packages does not
involve the NEW queue at all, because the transitional package has
been kept for ages. (So yes, I see the never removed transitional
packages as an advantage for my plan. :-)
Regards, Axel
,''`. | Axel Beckert <abe at debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' : | Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
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