[pkg-lynx-maint] Bug#699068: [larryhsfriends] Fwd: lynx: Cannot Type a Page-Number more than
Dallas E. Legan
aw585 at lafn.org
Mon Apr 6 01:08:39 UTC 2015
> From: Denis Briand <debian at denis-briand.fr>
> To: aw585 at lafn.org
> CC: larryhsfriends at yahoogroups.com, lynx-dev at nongnu.org
> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 11:24:52 +0100
> Subject: Re: [larryhsfriends] Fwd: lynx: Cannot Type a Page-Number
> more than
> Hello,
> I have just try with tcsh. It works fine also.
> Please send a mail to 699068 at bugs.debian.org and Cc to me, to explain how
> we can
> exactly reproduce it. Its very important to find where is exactly the bug.
> Regards
> Denis Briand=20
To reproduce this:
While running lynx, with numbering of links and/or form fields activated:
1) Press the '0' (zero digit key)
2) Lynx then opens up a field at the bottom of the screen to
accept input - a link to either activate (a simple integer),
a link to go to (a simple integer followed by the letter 'g'),
or a page to go to (a simple integer followed by the letter 'p').
3) After typing 4 characters, it simply does not take any more input.
This limits the maximum link that can be activated by typing
in a link number to a maximum of 9999,
and a link number to go to without activating to 999 ('999g')
or a page number to go to 999 ('999p').
I've done some checking on various machines I have accounts on:
1) My desktop / Debian testing
Lynx 2.8.9dev.1 (12 March 2014)
problem found
2) A server I have / Debian stable
Lynx 2.8.8dev.12 (22 February 2012)
problem found
3) Larry Hart's machine / Debian testing
Lynx 2.8.9dev.2 (21 December 2014)
problem found
4) Account on Freeshell.de / Debian GNU/Linux 7
Lynx 2.8.8dev.12 (22 February 2012)
8 character instead of 4 character limit found
(probably unnoticable for practical purposes, but present in a form)
5) Account on sdf.org / NetBSD
Lynx 2.8.7rel.2 (21 June 2010)
no apparent limit on number of characters typed in
6) Account on grex.net / OpenBSD 5.0-stable
Lynx 2.8.7rel.2 (21 June 2010)
no apparent limit on number of characters to typed in
Regards, Dallas E. Legan II / legan at acm.org / aw585 at lafn.org
"Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!"
- "At the Mountains of Madness", H.P. Lovecraft
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