[pkg-lynx-maint] Bug#877787: bug in lynx 2.8.8pre4-1 (Ubuntu 14.04): not all links are parsed

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Thu Oct 5 19:49:03 UTC 2017

Control: tags -1 +unreproducible +wontfix

Hi Steve

* Steve Hartley <sjhartley at yahoo.com> [2017-10-05 16:56 +0000]:

> Package: lynx
> Version: 2.8.8pre4-1

In Debian stable (stretch) we have 2.8.9dev11-1

> Bug: I am using Ubuntu 14.04.

You are reporting your problem in the Debian BTS. Bugs in Ubuntu
versions should be reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net.

> Not all links are parsed.  For example, do the following.
> lynx -dump https://www.nytimes.com/ >n.txt; view n.txt
> You will see the following (mid day October 5, 2017) in the text file.
> Inside Nytimes.com
>    (BUTTON)
>    Go to the previous story
>    (BUTTON)
>    Go to the next story
>     1. [129]Television
>        Best of Late Night: Back Off, Tillerson Is Told
>     2. [130]Opinion
>        Another Nobel Prize for the Fruit Fly
>     3. [131]Science
>        A Tortoise Is Winning Its Race With Extinction
>     4. [132]Smarter Living
>        Answers to Common Relationship Problems

> There are no links to the articles "Best of Late Night: Back Off,
> Tillerson Is Told", "Another Nobel Prize for the Fruit Fly", etc.,
> only links to "Television", etc.  When viewed in a browser
> (Firefox, Chrome, etc.), the links are all there.

I can't reproduce this with 2.8.9dev16-1 => Debian sid version.

> % dpkg -l | grep lynx
> ii  lynx      2.8.8pre4-1
> ii  lynx-cur  2.8.8pre4-1

You can't expect that your lynx version 2.8.8pre4-1 from Wed, 05 Feb
2014 will be fixed. I advice you to upgrade to a recent version of
lynx. Check out your preferred Linux distro and upgrade to a more
recent version. Therefor I tag this bug as wontfix so far.

  On the keyboard of life you have always
  to keep a finger at the escape key;-)

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