[pkg-lynx-maint] Bug#888391: lynx: RUBOUT deletes character in FRONT of the cursor instead of BEHIND

Thomas Dickey dickey at his.com
Wed Feb 28 00:44:34 UTC 2018

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 03:04:51PM +0100, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Hi,
> ank man wrote:
> > > I've tested all lynx versions available in supported Debian releases
> > > and found that those lynx versions in
> > >
> > > * Debian Unstable/Buster (2.8.9dev16-2),
> > > * Debian 9 Stretch (2.8.9dev11-1), and
> > > * Debian 8 Jessie (2.8.9dev1-2)
> > >
> > > exhibit this behaviour, but not the lynx version in
> > >
> > > * Debian 7 Wheezy (2.8.8dev.12-2).
> > 
> > And as mentioned in (an older, hasn't been updated for years) OpenBSD .

hmm - I have VMs for Debian 5-9 (and some others), but checking
Debian 6-9, I don't see the behavior described.

For clarification,

	+ the large key on the qwerty main-keyboard may be
	  labeled "backspace", may have an arrow, etc,
	  but with Debian it sends DEL, not backspace.
	+ The key labeled "Delete" does not send DEL.
	  It sends an escape sequence on most terminals, e.g., ^[[3~
	+ The key labeled "Del" on the numeric keypad does not send DEL.
	  It sends (not surprise) an escape sequence in xterm, e.g, ^[On

(using "^[" for escape just for readability).  In the Options menu,
Lynx has choices for keyboard ("Line edit style).

Here's some data noted while editing text-fields in the options menu:

Debian	Lynx		Keyboard	Backspace	Delete		Del

6	2.8.8dev.5-1	bash		DELP		DELN		none
6	2.8.8dev.5-1	alternate	DELP		DELP		none
6	2.8.8dev.5-1	default		DELP		DELP		none

7	2.8.8dev.12-2+deb7u2 bash	DELP		DELN		none
7	2.8.8dev.12-2+deb7u2 alternate	DELP		DELP		none
7	2.8.8dev.12-2+deb7u2 default	DELP		DELP		none

8	2.8.9dev1-2+deb8u1 bash		DELP		DELN		none
8	2.8.9dev1-2+deb8u1 alternate	DELP		DELP		none
8	2.8.9dev1-2+deb8u1 default	DELP		DELP		none

9	2.8.9dev11-1	bash		DELP		DELN		none
9	2.8.9dev11-1	alternate	DELP		DELP		none
9	2.8.9dev11-1	default		DELP		DELP		none
referring to the section in lynx.cfg discussing keymap:
#  DELN		# Delete next/curr char
#  DELP		# Delete prev      char

and "none" indicates that the escape sequence from xterm's keypad is ignored.

If you use the "-cmd_log" option to record the keystrokes, those
"Backspace" and "Delete" keys should show as
key <delete>
key Remove key

in xterm (the names correspond to a DEC VT220).  In Linux console, that
"Del" sends the same escape sequence as "Delete".

If you're using some other terminal, then the issue probably isn't Lynx.

If I've overlooked some detail, steps-to-reproduce would be helpful.

Thomas E. Dickey <dickey at invisible-island.net>
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