[Pkg-lyx-devel] Bug#269772: A short time fix

reriding@xmission.com, 269772@bugs.debian.org reriding@xmission.com, 269772@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 3 Sep 2004 16:36:40 -0600 (MDT)


Downgrading tetex-bin to version 2.0.2-17 and running the
"Edit-->Reconfigure" from LyX, then restarting LyX, seems to have fixed
the problem for now.  The article I sent as an example, bread.lyx, works
just fine with this new set-up.  I will continue to try other files, and
if I find one that doesn't work, I will submit it as an example.

Bert Riding       
gnupg fingerprint:
C0F6 E202 EFB3 F332 CAB0  85D4 A113 9F46 3C93 5A6E