[Pkg-lyx-devel] lyx 1.4.2-1 -- missing script?

Dr. L. Humbert ludger.humbert at uni-dortmund.de
Thu Jul 27 14:14:11 UTC 2006

Per Olofsson wrote:
>> sh: /usr/share/lyx/scripts/lyxpdflatex.sh: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
>> gefunden
> It shouldn't be used anymore. Have you tried doing Tools->Reconfigure
> from LyX?
Yes, I did.

Sven wrote:
> When do you get this message?
After executing Export ==> PDF LaTeX

> This script has been part of the Debian
> package and we removed it with 1.4.2 because we think that it's no
> longer
> needed. I can find no reference in the Debian package to this script.

Thank you for responding so fast.
It's my fault, because I defined some of the converter-elements »by
hand« in my .lyxrc-file.
So I defined an extra Converter-Entry for
latex ==> PDF, which contains this call.

So - after using the export on another account without changing any
elements, the message didn't appear.

eXcuse my quick asking for support.


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