[Pkg-lyx-devel] Bug#443721: Info received (Bug#443721: Info received (Bug#443721: Acknowledgement (lyx: when using linuxdoc style HTML export is totally broken)))

Anton Ivanov arivanov at sigsegv.cx
Tue Sep 25 13:26:20 UTC 2007

I have traced the missing HTML sections down to the export routine. 

If I understand it correctly the way it is written any export that goes
through an intermediate format in a temporary directory and generates
more than one output file will be broken by design because the list of
files to copy from the temp is filled based on the file format spec, not
by reading from the filesystem.

Two ways to fix it:

1. The list is populated off the filesystem
2. SGML based formats should no longer use temp directories and all
conversions should happen in the "save" directory.

Fixing this exceeds my C++ skills (I am not a C++ person). This is as
much as I can help it for now.

   Understanding is a three-edged sword:
            your side, their side, and the truth. --Kosh Naranek

A. R. Ivanov
E-mail:  aivanov at sigsegv.cx
WWW:     http://www.sigsegv.cx/
pub 1024D/DDE5E715 2002-03-03 Anton R. Ivanov <ai1-n at sigsegv.cx>
    Fingerprint: C824 CBD7 EE4B D7F8 5331  89D5 FCDA 572E DDE5 E715

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