[Pkg-lyx-devel] half-backed 2.1.2 upload

Georg Baum Georg.Baum at post.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Oct 14 18:32:41 UTC 2014

Am Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014 schrieb Nikos Andrikos:

> The issue here is that ReadmeBaKoMa4LyX.txt does not mention anything
> about the "Blue Sky Research" part that I pasted above.
> This information was only present in debian/copyright but I was not able
> to verify it from a third source
> That's why I'm asking if I should really include it or not.

Ah, now I understand. The part about bluesky is outdated. It referred to 
the postscript versions of the fonts, which are no longer redistributed 
with LyX. The current fonts are:

cmex10.ttf   bakoma
cmmi10.ttf   bakoma
cmr10.ttf    bakoma
cmsy10.ttf   bakoma
esint10.ttf  esint
eufm10.ttf   bakoma
msam10.ttf   bakoma
msbm10.ttf   bakoma
rsfs10.ttf   rsfs
stmary10.ttf stmary
wasy10.ttf   wasy

esint was converted from the postscript version at http://www.ctan.org/tex-

rsfs was converted from the postscript version at  http://www.ctan.org/tex-

stmary was converted from http://mirrors.ctan.org/fonts/stmaryrd/ps-

wasy refers to the old latex-xft-fonts debian package, so it should inherit 
the copyright from there.

This information is all in ReadmeBaKoMa4LyX.txt, with the exception of 
rsfs, which was forgotten and which I will add soon. This is only the LyX 
specific part of the license information, the licenses of the original 
postscript fonts are on ctan. I hope that this information is enough, if 
not please ask.


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