[Pkg-lyx-devel] Review of some current bugs (LyX 2.1.3-1)

Alexander Stiebing pkg-lyx-devel at jalsti.de
Sat Mar 14 23:14:39 UTC 2015

Hi all,

as a start of (maybe further) work on LyX bugs I had at first a look at
some current bugs and their state as of today (also found a new one),
and thought I'd at least share what my outcome has been (although no
fixes are yet attached, as I am quite unsure how/where/if to fix
these), in the hope it might be helpful for anyone.

And here they come, the current states of some of the 'normal' bugs:


#693757 - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=693757
"Document or perform reconfiguration automatically"

(Now tested with Debian sid LyX  2.1.3-1)

Bug could be closed:
The bug reporter did not install (or configure) graphviz, so the in the
report mentioned 'dot' file could not be generated. After installing
graphviz the mentioned document could be generated without having done
any (re-) configuration inside LyX.

=> No bug in LyX or its related packages, just a user configuration
missing. (Maybe graphviz could be added to the list of LyX package


New (reported via reportbug/mail, no number yet):
LyX can in some cases not generate the "Splash" document shown on
first start, if the user has the 'wrong' language environment set up on
the system. This is caused by babel, as the texlive-lang-* package for
the users language environment is not always installed by default when
installing LyX. On my system this was the case with the german language
environment (only configured locale: de_DE.UTF-8)

The only version I could generate, was the default one in no sub folder

Following try showed up the (here) other problematic languages:
$ cd /usr/share/lyx/examples
$ for d in [a-z][a-z]; do LANG=$d lyx --export pdf2 $d/splash.lyx &> \
	$d.log; done 
$ grep "exit code 1" *.log | cut -d ":" -f 1
('ja' did also not compile but grep failed to get the japanese error
message) ko.log

=> LyX should – if possible – (at least) recommend some texlive-lang-*
package for the user's locale, so that the first LyX document the users
see after installation is at least compilable. (After having installed
'texlive-lang-german' the problem has been fixed here.)

This bug is related to the second part of bug #758875 ("A few bugs from
the very first usage in Italian"
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=758875), as I saw


#758875 - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=758875
"A few bugs from the very first usage in Italian"

(Now tested with Debian sid LyX LyX 2.1.3-1)

The problem reported as "first" (and as "morevoer"): 
Confirmed that the menu is wrongly named in 'it/splash.lyx', but it
should instead be named 'Vista>Esporta>DVI' (not like proposed in bug

The problem reported as "second": 
texlive-lang-italian should be installed to fix this, and to then be
able to generate the splash.lyx – see related bug #$NEW_FROM_ABOVE

The problem reported as "third": 
the reported typo is still in "splash.lyx"

=> "first", "third" and "moreover" parts are problems in a LyX example
document 'it/splash.lyx' and could probably easily be fixed (where I am
not sure, if this would be more easily done directly by the upstream
LyX developers than by the Debian package maintainers) 
=> "second" is (a part of) bug #$NEW_FROM_ABOVE


#700828 - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=700828
"lyx2lyx fails on version 345 files when textclass contains funny

Already tagged as fixed-upstream and comfirmed to be fixed in LyX
2.1.3-1, lyx2lyx is working as expected for the to the bug
report attached document.

Could be closed.


#730111 - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=730111
"lyx: package should be dependent on rcs"

(Now tested with Debian sid LyX LyX 2.1.3-1)

Bug still like described in Nov. 2013, none of the proposed actions out
of the comments have been done. 
(My personal comment: its kind of small, why not recommend it)


Thats it so far, not much, but at least two of them can be closed by
someone who has the right to do so.

Alexander Stiebing
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