Bug#391000: [Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#391000: mailman: upgrade process takes hours even if the upgrade is supposed to be a simple security upgrade

Thijs Kinkhorst thijs at debian.org
Wed Oct 4 09:39:09 UTC 2006

Hello Mathieu,

Thank you for your report.

> But unfortunately, upgrading mailman on a production server is current
> a real pain in the ass. It takes hour.  

This is inherent to the policy of Debian security updates: we can only
make the minimal changes required to address the bug - changing the
package installation procedure is not allowed. The goal is of course to
minimise breakage; every unneeded change introduces an unneeded risk of
something going wrong.

By the way, I've never experienced this upgrade to take hours (or even
more than say a minute or two). You are right about the qfiles that are
annoying, but I'm not sure about whether that can be resolved easily.
Especially within the constraints outlined below.

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