[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#36063: Mailman newlist should can read passwd from stdin noninteractive

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at mamane.lu
Tue Jan 16 08:38:59 CET 2007

tags 36063 +upstream
forwarded 36063 https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1636541&group_id=103&atid=350103

On 14 Apr 1999, Ian Jackson wrote:

> The comment at the top of /usr/sbin/newlist says:

> Create a new, unpopulated mailing list.

>   newlist <list-name> <list-admin's-address> <admin-password> <immediate>

> It is useful that there is a way to use this noninteractively.
> Unfortunately this is made more difficult because the password has to
> be passed in as a command line argument where `ps' can see it.

> Furthermore, since the script (correctly) uses a real
> password-gathering function when a password isn't supplied, it is
> not easy to have a script feed it a password on stdin (the script
> will require a tty, etc.)

I suggest the use of "expect" for that.


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