[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#596668: mailman: newlist crashes

Gabriel Filion gabster at lelutin.ca
Mon Jun 27 08:58:52 UTC 2016

wow this has been laying around for sooo long.

current jessie version is 2.1.18 and that same line that was bugging is
now #739

however, I've tried to reproduce the issue in jessie with the same
list at domain and with different ones and I couldn't.

I don't know if it could be linked to locale or other environment
variables like this, though.

in the context of that code, hostname would be initialized with this:

        hostname = ((mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL
                     and urlparse.urlparse(mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL)[1])
                     or mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_HOST)

the reported error would imply that no default URL can be found in the

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