[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#915300: mailman: reproducible build (usrmerge): embeds path of true found via PATH

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Sun Dec 2 16:38:19 GMT 2018

Package: mailman
Version: 2.1.29-1
Severity: normal
User: md at linux.it
Usertags: usrmerge

Dear Maintainer,

The package currently fails to build reproducibly on a merged-usr vs
non-merged system.


In this case it seems to just be an *unused* variable in an *example*
file that's affected.

I'm not sure exactly what the best solution is, so here are a few

1. Pass TRUE=/bin/true to configure in debian/rules
2. Pass TRUE=foobar to configure in debian/rules
3. Patch out TRUE from templates/Makefile.in as it seems unused.
4. Consider if shipping the templates/Makefile* in examples
   is useful at all and thus if the file should simply be removed
   from the package staging directory before the package is

Andreas Henriksson

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