[Pkg-mailman-hackers] info about mailman2 vs mailman3

Thijs Kinkhorst thijs at debian.org
Tue Jan 9 13:19:51 UTC 2018

Hi all,

The next stable release will have both "mailman" (2.x) and "mailman3" (and
associated packages).

I was wondering how to communicate this to uers.

I want to put something like this in the NEWS.Debian file of 'mailman':

"This package contains the legacy 2.x branch of Mailman. Development
happens in the Mailman 3 suite, available in Debian via the 'mailman3'
metapackage. They are both available in this release, so you can migrate
at your own pace. This mailman (2.x) package will be maintained in the
forseeable future, but will not get any major changes or improvements. It
will be removed from the first Debian release after upstream has stopped
support for this branch."

Also I'd change the package description to refer to mailman3 as the place
to be for modern mailman. And I'd also propose something in the release

As described I intend to maintain the 'mailman' package as it is now (keep
it in working order) for as long as upstream keeps releasing 2.1.x
releases; if they stop doing that (or something else makes keeping it in
working order untenable) I will ask for it to be removed.

Any comments?


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