[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#1013480: hyperkitty: FTBFS: TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'providing_args'

Pierre-Elliott Bécue peb at debian.org
Mon Nov 14 12:21:02 GMT 2022

Charlemagne Lasse <charlemagnelasse at gmail.com> wrote on 14/11/2022 at 11:08:06+0100:

> Am Mo., 14. Nov. 2022 um 10:53 Uhr schrieb Pierre-Elliott Bécue
> <peb at debian.org>:
>> I really don't need reminders about the bugs on my packages.
> This is not a reminder. I was just going through the mailman3 packages
> to understand what is currently blocking the migration of packages.
> And when I found out what is blocking it, I've only checked if this
> problem is solved upstream or not. And if it was solved upstream, I
> added information about the situation in the already existing bug.

Adding tags and links via the appropriate bug commands is indeed
helpful, Cc-ing me explicitely and also cc-ing the mailman team list is
not the same and is indeed something I feel as putting pressure on me to
do the work faster.

>> Please refrain from putting pressure on people with the expectation that they'll do what you want at the tine you want.
>> This is the last time I reply to such sollicitations.
> I don't understand why you are so unfriendly.

Well, see upwards.

The feeling I expressed there is reinforced by your previous
communications: on bug #998223, you started to interact by asking the
"results" of the new contributors, which I found a bit rude because it
felt like they were accountable for something. Never the less, I replied
politely that currently we were stuck waiting for upstream to fix the
issues with sqlalchemy 1.4 and telling that except someone were to help
them, there was nothing we could do.

>From that you went on the upstream bug to ask them to work in it: with
this: "@msapiro, any idea who to get upstream to have a look at the MR?
Possibly before it is too late and everyone kicked out mailman3"

I found it a bit rude again, especially since multiple people asked if
they had a timeline earlier and they did not reply, I therefore asked
you there to stop this behaviour.

Then a fix arrived but was not released, and you pinged on november the
4th, and then again, mailman 3.3.7 got released 3 days ago, and on the
13th, you were pinging again and opening a bug to ask 3.3.7 to be
packaged. This is no DEFCON1, while I could appreciate a ping two weeks
after the release, you let no time to no one to start working on it that
you immediately asked us to do so. I had started work on Friday, and
decided to not mind and releasing without underlining once again that
your enthusiasm was a bit pushy.

Then today, you have me receive *6* mails because you Cc-ed me directly
+ the mailman team list + two bug reports because hyperkitty and
django-mailman3 need fixes that were suspended because I preferred to
have mailman3 fixed first.

I already receive plenty mails, including those you send to the bug
report, I really need to not receive multiple copies of mails I already
receive, and I also need to be given *at least* a week or two before
being asked to fix stuff, *especially* since you know I'm active, having
released a first draft for mailman 3.3.7 (which still requires some

So, please, take a breath. Feel free to mail bugs, feel free to add
metadata, feel free to submit patches, but don't Cc people on a first
message, wait a bit and then ask them if they saw your mails on bugs.

I use mailman3, and I would be sad to not be able to make it be in
bookworm, I won't ignore the suite, but I need you (and anyone else) to
leave me some space, and to remember that we all have a personal life.

Cc-ing me is not respecting that.



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