[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#1041496: RE: mailman3-web: Upgrade from Debian 11 to 12 dpkg can't configure mailman3-full and -web

Richard Rosner rrosner at fsmuw.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Aug 23 12:25:41 BST 2023

With this I was finally able to fix my problem too. Both times the manage.py script went through, but I had to make some aditional changes:
as I've replaced the mailman3-web systemd unit with an ini for the uwsgi emperor, which runs mailman3-web with list:list, I've owned the mailman-web.py in /etc by list:www-data. Afterwards the website would load again, but only work partially. It turns out it coudln't find "/var/lib/mailman3/web/static/postorius/libs/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js.map". I fixed it by removing the postorius directory (better: rename it) and create a symbolic link to /usr/share/python3-django-postorius/static/postorius (and of course changing ownership). Now it works, case closed from my side.


Am Dienstag, 22. August 2023 14:51 CEST, schrieb Giuseppe Barichello <gbarichello at verlata.it>:
 The steps fixed my problem.

I only had to:
- install sudo (my debian installation was a minimal netinstall,
without that package)
- chown -R www-data /usr/share/mailman3-web

I had also to add a mail address to my admin profile and set it to
preferred (I only had root at mydomain as address).

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