[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#1031928: python3-django-hyperkitty: Javascript not loaded because of HTML error

James Addison jay at jp-hosting.net
Thu Mar 2 01:32:55 GMT 2023

Package: python3-django-hyperkitty
Followup-For: Bug #1031928
X-Debbugs-Cc: hjp at hjp.at
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Peter,

I'd like to gain some experience with configuring email infrastructure, and
this bug seems like a good opportunity to learn.

I haven't yet been able to reproduce the self-closing HTML script tags; here's
roughly the series of install steps I used (I may have omitted one or two
details) to get the interface up-and-running:

  # apt install mailman3-full
  # vim /etc/mailman3/mailman-web.py  # configure REST API creds
  # ln -s /etc/mailman3/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/mailman3.conf
  # a2enconf mailman3
  # a2enmod proxy_uwsgi
  # systemctl restart mailman3-web
  # systemctl restart apache2

(note that I also had postfix utilities installed on the system)

That seemed to work: I was able to browse the postorius web interface and see
that I had no mailing lists configured.

Checking the HTML source of the page, I did see some <script> tags -- including
for 'popper.js' -- each of them had a closing </script> tag, as expected.

Could you provide any more information on configuration steps / settings that
may be required to reproduce the problem?


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