[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#1036782: mailman3: exim4 configurations not up-to-date

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Fri May 26 11:42:10 BST 2023

  Pierre-Elliott Bécue writes

> mailman3 doesn't ship these files. No package maintained by the mailman
> team actually seem to put /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/25_mm3_macros or
> /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/55_mm3_transport.

  ok, if it does not ship these files, my report is erroneous and
  the bug can be closed.

  Written by Thomas Krichel http://openlib.org/home/krichel on his 21175th day.

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