[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Hyperkitty configuration

Alain D D Williams addw at phcomp.co.uk
Thu Nov 21 23:21:38 GMT 2024

I have been struggling with mailman3 on Debian 12. I used the Debian packages
as a starting point; as a result those on the Mailman mail list are not very
helpful and say any lack of understanding on my part has to be blamed on you -
the Debian packagers :-(

I truth the mailman documentation is dreadful - woefully inadequate.

I am keeping careful notes, installing on a test system and will use those to
install onto my production machine. It is my intention to send you those notes
so that getting it going on Debian can be better described.

Anyway: I have finally got it to archive something, ie hyperkitty. I spent some
time going in small circles before spotting an error that, although described,
was not clear enough. So I have a suggestion below for a few comments that
might improve things and what looks like a configuration/setup bug.

The simple thing that tripped me up was the ARCHIVER_KEY

• mailman-hyperkitty.cfg says:

# The shared api_key, must be identical except for quoting to the value of
# MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY in HyperKitty's settings.
api_key: SecretArchiverAPIKey

Which is confusing as it is referring to "# Mailman API credentials" in the
file mailman-web.py

• mailman-web.py says:


It would be good if the lines in mailman-web.py were:

# The value below is the same as api_key in mailman-hyperkitty.cfg except that the value here has quotes round it

And the lines in mailman-hyperkitty.cfg were:

# The shared api_key, must be identical except for quoting to the value of
# MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY in HyperKitty's settings (mailman-web.py)
# The value here does not have quotes
api_key: SecretArchiverAPIKey

The config bug is that SecretArchiverAPIKey should have been 9ClVM+LrkOYIAKpo1tuiMuS4Q3vdw1cN


Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT Lecturer.
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  https://www.phcomp.co.uk/
Parliament Hill Computers. Registration Information: https://www.phcomp.co.uk/Contact.html
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