[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#1014037: mailman3-web: Possible memory leak: uwsgi OOMs after a few weeks

Antoine Beaupré anarcat at debian.org
Fri Feb 7 03:12:28 GMT 2025

On 2025-01-16 09:40:05, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> I would be interested to hear what you are making of this all.
> Clearly there's a memory leak in this implementation as well, but we'll
> know better whether it's specific to apache/uwsgi when we test with
> gunicorn.
> Stay tuned!

At last, we have news!

I *think* I have identified the culprit. While handling an unrelated
issue (GDPR anyone?) we had to rebuild the search indexes and, while
testing *that*, we found that we could pretty reliably crash mailman-web
by... well, just searching all lists crashes it.

Boom. It's search?

I'm in the process of switching to Xapian now. This brings a whole lot
of other issues (it uses more disk space and there's a bug in the
xapian-haystack library that crashes indexing, see #), but so far, we've
completely cleared out any OOM errors we were previously getting.

Check out this beauty:

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In this graph, the vertical line at 21:26 is when xapian was
deployed. You can see there's precisely zero errors after that.

So I would advise everyone with this bug to try to switch off the search
engine (not sure how) or switch to Xapian or another search
engine. Doing the switch is a little obscure because upstream docs are
quite ... sparse, but i've written a bit about it here:


We used this in mailman's mailman-web.py:

# Haystack is the Django search engine plugin which is used by
# Hyperkitty to index mail.
    'default': {
        #'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.whoosh_backend.WhooshEngine',
        #'PATH': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fulltext_index"),
        # setup Xapian search engine instead, see:
        # https://django-haystack.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorial.html#xapian
        # requires the python3-xapian-haystack package
        # other options include SolR and ElasticSearch
        'ENGINE': 'xapian_backend.XapianEngine',
        'PATH': "/var/lib/mailman3/web/xapian_index",

and ran update-index, basically.

the indexing is *much* faster. indexing a single list used to take a
a long time, sometimes almost a day, now we're about to complete a full
index (if we don't run out of disk space) within less than two hours.


L'adversaire d'une vraie liberté est un désir excessif de sécurité.
                        - Jean de la Fontaine

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