[Pkg-mailman-hackers] Bug#1014037: mailman3-web: Possible memory leak: uwsgi OOMs after a few weeks

Antoine Beaupré anarcat at debian.org
Thu Jan 16 14:40:05 GMT 2025

On 2025-01-16 10:20:56, Michael Tremer wrote:
> Good morning everyone,
> I ran the machine now with a total of 16 GiB - no other modifications have been made.
> Since then, the Apache process consumed the entirety of memory (minus the other basic system services) and was killed by the OOM. Graph attached.
> x
> What is very interesting are those steps that we can see here. Sometimes memory consumption jumps up, then jumps down again. Like stairs and less of a constant growth where a little bit of memory would be leaked with every request that is being served.

I bet this is Apache killing and spawning its children from time to
time, sometimes hitting leaky ones.

> Long story short, I could do this now with 32 GiB of memory or more, but I assume this all is moving endlessly. Apache is currently consuming just under 10 GiB, and mailman3 is using around 1 GiB. Both seem to be very large to me.

Agreed: we didn't raise memory again either.

> I would be interested to hear what you are making of this all.

Clearly there's a memory leak in this implementation as well, but we'll
know better whether it's specific to apache/uwsgi when we test with

Stay tuned!

La destruction de la société totalitaire marchande n'est pas une affaire
d'opinion. Elle est une nécessité absolue dans un monde que l'on sait
condamné. Puisque le pouvoir est partout, c'est partout et tout le temps
qu'il faut le combattre. - Jean-François Brient, de la servitude moderne

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