[SCM] libmateweather Debian package branch, master, updated. 11feeb85b72cae146dffe8492f83f577e8edb5ff

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at alioth.debian.org
Wed Oct 16 00:05:26 UTC 2013

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-mate/libmateweather.git;a=commitdiff;h=f3c1175

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f3c1175413f32ac55d6b3e349555ed11d6dd17f9
Author: Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de>
Date:   Wed Oct 16 02:04:43 2013 +0200

    add symbols file for libmateweather1
 debian/libmateweather1.symbols |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/libmateweather1.symbols b/debian/libmateweather1.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c930d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libmateweather1.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+libmateweather.so.1 libmateweather1 #MINVER#
+ _weather_info_fill at Base 1.6.2
+ bom_start_open at Base 1.6.2
+ calc_moon at Base 1.6.2
+ calc_moon_phases at Base 1.6.2
+ calc_sun at Base 1.6.2
+ calc_sun_time at Base 1.6.2
+ ecl2equ at Base 1.6.2
+ free_forecast_list at Base 1.6.2
+ iwin_start_open at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_dpgettext at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_gettext at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_entry_get_location at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_entry_get_type at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_entry_has_custom_text at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_entry_new at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_entry_set_city at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_entry_set_location at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_free_children at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_free_timezones at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_children at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_city_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_code at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_coords at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_country at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_distance at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_level at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_parent at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_sort_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_timezone at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_timezones at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_type at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_get_weather at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_has_coords at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_level_get_type at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_new_world at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_ref at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_to_weather_location at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_location_unref at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_parser_free at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_parser_get_localized_value at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_parser_get_value at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_parser_new at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_prefs_get_distance_display_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_prefs_get_pressure_display_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_prefs_get_speed_display_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_prefs_get_temp_display_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_prefs_load at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_get_dst_offset at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_get_name at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_get_offset at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_get_type at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_get_tzid at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_get_utc at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_has_dst at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_menu_get_type at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_menu_get_tzid at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_menu_new at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_menu_set_tzid at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_ref at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezone_unref at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_timezones_parse_xml at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_xml_free_locations at Base 1.6.2
+ mateweather_xml_load_locations at Base 1.6.2
+ metar_parse at Base 1.6.2
+ metar_start_open at Base 1.6.2
+ metoffice_start_open at Base 1.6.2
+ request_done at Base 1.6.2
+ requests_init at Base 1.6.2
+ sunEclipLongitude at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_conditions_string at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_abort at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_clone at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_free at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_apparent at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_conditions at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_dew at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_forecast at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_forecast_list at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_humidity at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_icon_name at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_location at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_location_name at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_pressure at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_radar at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_sky at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_sunrise at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_sunset at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_temp at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_temp_max at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_temp_min at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_temp_summary at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_upcoming_moonphases at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_update at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_apparent at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_conditions at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_dew at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_moonphase at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_pressure at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_sky at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_sunrise at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_sunset at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_temp at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_temp_max at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_temp_min at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_update at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_visibility at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_value_wind at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_visibility at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_weather_summary at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_get_wind at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_is_valid at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_network_error at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_next_sun_event at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_to_imperial at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_info_to_metric at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_location_clone at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_location_equal at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_location_free at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_location_new at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_sky_string at Base 1.6.2
+ weather_wind_direction_string at Base 1.6.2
+ wx_start_open at Base 1.6.2

libmateweather Debian package

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