[SCM] mate-settings-daemon Debian package annotated tag, debian/1.8.0-2, created. debian/1.8.0-2

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Mar 30 13:41:55 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/1.8.0-2 has been created
        at  16dc764e71087e399dec5eddbb8625d77a1eeec0 (tag)
   tagging  cefcf3635e8ef228052258606e09d1f6af371761 (commit)
 tagged by  Mike Gabriel
        on  Sun Mar 30 15:41:58 2014 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.8.0-2
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Mike Gabriel (19):
      debian/control: add maintaner team's mail address, fix dbg package LONG_DESCRIPTION
      debian/control: avoid versioned build dependencies, provide separate -dbg packages for gstreamer and pulseaudio backends
      debian/rules: properly cleanup .la files
      debian/control: fix SYNOPSIS strings
      debian/copyright: finalize file for first upload
      upload to unstable (debian/1.6.1-1)
      New upstream release.
      debian/watch: Use tagged CGit tarball snapshots as upstream source.
      debian/rules: Build package using autogen.sh.
      man pages: Drop debian/man/mate-settings-daemon.1. Provided in upstream sources now.
      debian/copyright: Adapt to files in new (repacked) upstream tarball.
      update changelog from Git history
      upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-1)
      debian/copyright: Point to git.mate-desktop.org in Source: field.
      update changelog from Git history
      debian/control: Versioned dependency for bin:packages mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer and mate-settings-daemon-pulse on mate-desktop-common (>= 1.8). (Closes: #742461).
      debian/rules: Turn on compiler commands during package build (configure option: --disable-silent-rules).
      update changelog from Git history
      upload to unstable (debian/1.8.0-2)

Vangelis Mouhtsis (17):
      starting with debian/ folder as used by MATE upstream
      prepare first release in Debian
      debian/control: package is team maintained in Debian
      debian/control: comply to Standards: 3.9.5
      debian/control: Add Vcs-*: fields.
      debian/watch: only watch stable releases of MATE
      debian/copyright: import copyright file as provided by Vangelis Mouhtsis on github.com/gnugr
      debian/changelog: fix syntax error in first line
      debian/man/mate-settings-daemon.1: provide man page for the Debian package
      debian/mate-settings-daemon-common.manpages: contain common paths for man pages in Debian
      debian/mate-settings-daemon-common.manpages: contain common paths for man pages in Debian
      Revert "debian/mate-settings-daemon-common.manpages: contain common paths for man pages in Debian"
      Revert "debian/mate-settings-daemon-common.manpages: contain common paths for man pages in Debian"
      Revert "debian/man/mate-settings-daemon.1: provide man page for the Debian package"
      debian/man: provide man page for mate-settings-daemon command
      debian/man/mate-settings-daemon.1: provide the man page source for Debian package
      debian/mate-settings-daemon-common.manpages: fix the correct path for manpages


mate-settings-daemon Debian package

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