[SCM] mate-panel Debian package annotated tag, debian/1.6.2+dfsg1-1, created. debian/1.6.2+dfsg1-1
Mike Gabriel
sunweaver at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 8 22:37:07 UTC 2014
The annotated tag, debian/1.6.2+dfsg1-1 has been created
at 13a794317a568afa7462d5e7e80cb39e07097528 (tag)
tagging 97fc97e348bb4a4edb59d0d06270aeb0ea914bf8 (commit)
tagged by Mike Gabriel
on Wed Apr 9 00:36:12 2014 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.6.2+dfsg1-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Mike Gabriel (31):
debian/changelog: prepare first release in Debian
debian/control: package is team maintained in Debian
debian/control: comply to Standards: 3.9.5
debian/watch: only watch stable releases of MATE
debian/control: Add Vcs-*: fields.
debian/copyright: import copyright file as provided by Vangelis Mouhtsis on github.com/gnugr
debian/copyright: remove unneeded whitespaces in empty lines
debian/copyright: fix indentation of license paragraphs
debian/rules: Package contains a Python bin:package, using dh_python2.
debian/control: add contributor Petr Baudis to Uploaders: field
package contains non-DFSG files, repacking...
debian/patches: omit build of non-DFSG help/ subfolder
debian/rules: build with autoreconf
debian/control: fix build-dependency on libmatewnck-dev
debian/mate-panel-common.install: don't install help files into .deb package
debian/control: finalize control file
debian/rules: split up debugging symbols for mate-panel and applet library
debian/control: fix deps for rename lib package
debian/libmate-panel-applet-4-1.install: rename file from libmate-panel-applet4-1.install
debian/libmate-panel-applet-4-1.symbols: add symbols file
debian/copyright: finalize copyright file for initial upload to Debian
debian/control: slight grammar fixes
lintian: add overrides for detected false-positive spelling error
debian/changelog: latest upstream release is 1.6.2
New upstream release.
debian/watch: Use tagged CGit tarball snapshots as upstream source.
update changelog from Git history
Revert "update changelog from Git history"
Revert "debian/watch: Use tagged CGit tarball snapshots as upstream source."
Revert "New upstream release."
upload to unstable (1.6.2+dfsg1-1)
Petr Baudis (8):
debian/control: Fix Section (mate -> x11)
debian/control: Add some missing build-depends, libwnck-dev -> libmate-wnck-dev
debian/control mate-panel-dbg: Reuse description of mate-panel, as is customary in Debian
debian/copyright: Add missing commas in Copyright of debian/*
debian/copyright: Several GPL-2+ typo fixes
debian/: Add support for multiarch wrt. libexecdir
debian/rules: Don't pass --with-gtk=2.0 to configure, ignored
debian/mate-panel-common.install: Fix help path, add omf
Vangelis Mouhtsis (1):
starting with debian/ folder as used by MATE upstream
mate-panel Debian package
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