[mate-tweak] 01/01: Add translators to copyright.

Martin Wimpress flexiondotorg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Mar 3 14:07:06 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

flexiondotorg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mate-tweak.

commit 0f2abe0d1c0cfa24efc9f1c2aab509f3f39360e4
Author: Martin Wimpress <code at flexion.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 3 14:07:00 2015 +0000

    Add translators to copyright.
 debian/copyright | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index e570484..9ac18a6 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -16,9 +16,77 @@ Copyright: 2007-2014 Clement Lefebvre <root at linuxmint.com>
 License: GPL-2+
 Files: po/*
-Copyright: 2007-2014, Clement Lefebvre <root at linuxmint.com>
-           2015, Martin Wimpress <code at ubuntu-mate.org>
-           2015, Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de>
+Copyright: Adriano Torres Azevedo <adrianotorres78 at gmail.com>
+           Akerbeltz <fios at akerbeltz.org>
+           Alan Mortensen <alanmortensen.am at gmail.com>
+           AlephAlpha <alephalpha911 at gmail.com>
+           Alex Eponym 
+           Asier Iturralde Sarasola           
+           B. W. Knight <kbd0651 at gmail.com>
+           Cédric VALMARY <cvalmary at yahoo.fr>
+           Cedrik Heckenbach <cedrik.heckenbach at gmail.com>
+           Clement Lefebvre <root at linuxmint.com>
+           Cyril Weller <cyril.yc.weller at gmail.com>
+           Damir Jerovšek 
+           Dawid de Jager <dawid.dejager at gmail.com>
+           Dejan Noveski 
+           Dhruv <meetsangvikar at gmail.com>
+           enolp <enolp at softastur.org>
+           Erieck Saputra <erick.1383 at gmail.com>
+           Faissal Chamekh 
+           Fajar Ichwan Noor 
+           Fazwan Fazil <takaizu91 at gmail.com>
+           Flaviu <flaviu at gmx.com>
+           Gearóid  Ó Maelearcaidh <gearoid at omaelearcaidh.com>
+           gogo <trebelnik2 at gmail.com>
+           gudeta <gudbog at gmail.com>
+           Gunleif Joensen 
+           Harald H. <haarektrans at gmail.com>
+           Hoysala T'swamy <jrandomnerd at gmail.com>
+           Iftekhar Mohammad 
+           Imyirtseshem 
+           Isidro Pisa <isidro at utils.info>
+           Ismael Omar <ismaelhssn at gmail.com>
+           Juris Daikteris <juris.daikteris at gmail.com>
+           KAMI <kami911 at gmail.com>
+           Kenan Dervišević <kenan at dkenan.com>
+           David Salvo <slinkeepy at gmail.com>
+           Libni Pacheco 
+           Louis <louis77 at mac.com>
+           Mark Kwidzińsczi 
+           Michael Moroni <michael.moroni at openmailbox.org>
+           Miguel Anxo Bouzada <mbouzada at gmail.com>
+           Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de>
+           mzs.112000 <mzs.112000 at gmail.com>
+           Navdeep Singh 
+           Nicat Məmmədov <n1c4t97 at gmail.com>
+           Niroj Bista <nirooj56 at outlook.com>
+           Ondřej Kolín <ondrej.kolin at gmail.com>
+           Pierluigi Zavaroni <zavamail at yahoo.com>
+           Piotr Strębski <strebski at o2.pl>
+           Prabhath Mannapperuma <d.p.mannapperuma at gmail.com>
+           Praveen Illa <mail2ipn at gmail.com>
+           Reuben Potts 
+           Rhoslyn Prys <rprys at yahoo.com>
+           Rockworld <sumoisrock at gmail.com>
+           Saki <a4e484b at hotmail.com>
+           Sakis Proto <sakis.proto at gmail.com>
+           Sari Galin 
+           segray <segray at tut.by>
+           Sipan Roj <sipanroj at live.com>
+           Steven Liao <stevenliao0119 at yahoo.com.tw>
+           Sveinn í Felli <sv1 at fellsnet.is>
+           Tajammul Hussain 
+           Tapani <tapman2012 at hotmail.com>
+           Tiago S. 
+           tibbi <tibbbi2 at gmail.com>
+           Tomoe Musashi <hkg.musashi at gmail.com>
+           Tornike Batavani 
+           Victor Ibragimov <victor.ibragimov at gmail.com>
+           Yaron <sh.yaron at gmail.com>
+           Yngve Spjeld Landro <l10n at landro.net>
+           Микола Ткач <Stuartlittle1970 at gmail.com>
+           Саша Петровић <salepetronije at gmail.com>
 License: GPL-2+
 Files: setup.py

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mate/mate-tweak.git

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