[mate-dock-applet] 01/03: debian/patches: Add 0000_listen_to_keypress_events_from_other_windows.patch. Prevents <Super>+1/2/3/etc` keybindings from being swallowed if a

Martin Wimpress flexiondotorg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 17 09:34:46 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

flexiondotorg-guest pushed a commit to branch ubuntu/artful
in repository mate-dock-applet.

commit 19b1d8b770013ce57a69dfb7e166d546f3ec9397
Author: Martin Wimpress <martin.wimpress at ubuntu.com>
Date:   Sat Jun 17 10:23:59 2017 +0100

    debian/patches: Add 0000_listen_to_keypress_events_from_other_windows.patch. Prevents <Super>+1/2/3/etc` keybindings from being swallowed if a
 ...ten_to_keypress_events_from_other_windows.patch | 227 +++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                              |   1 +
 2 files changed, 228 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/0000_listen_to_keypress_events_from_other_windows.patch b/debian/patches/0000_listen_to_keypress_events_from_other_windows.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3173609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0000_listen_to_keypress_events_from_other_windows.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+From bb8337b9d1c59730e6ddd564f70c7d046f290dcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Victor Kareh <vkareh at vkareh.net>
+Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 15:01:36 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] Listen to key press events from other windows
+This fixes #91 where `<Super>+1/2/3/etc` keybindings are swallowed if
+a different application has global keybindings mapped to `<Super_L>`.
+ README.md          |   2 +-
+ src/dock_applet.in | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
+ 2 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
+index 4e64b7c..0dd95d7 100644
+--- a/README.md
++++ b/README.md
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Users of other distros will need to install from source, so first install the re
+ * Python3
+ * Python wnck bindings (gir1.2-wnck-1.0 for Gtk2 versions of the applet, gir1.2-wnck-3.0 for Gtk3)
+-* Python bindings to the keybinder library (gir1.2-keybinder-0.0 for Gtk2, gir1.2-keybinder-3.0 for Gtk3)
++* Python implementation of Xlib (python-xlib)
+ * GLib development files (libglib2.0-dev) 
+ * Python Imaging Library (python3-pil)
+ * Python 3 Cairo bindings (python3-cairo)
+diff --git a/src/dock_applet.in b/src/dock_applet.in
+index 3e8b6fa..ef5aa79 100755
+--- a/src/dock_applet.in
++++ b/src/dock_applet.in
+@@ -40,24 +40,25 @@ import gi
+ if build_gtk2:
+     gi.require_version("Gtk", "2.0")
+     gi.require_version("Wnck", "1.0")
+-    gi.require_version("Keybinder", "0.0")
+ else:
+     gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
+     gi.require_version("Wnck", "3.0")
+-    gi.require_version("Keybinder", "3.0")
+ gi.require_version("MatePanelApplet", "4.0")
+ import os
+ import sys
++import threading
+ sys.path.insert(1, '@pythondir@')
++from Xlib.display import Display
++from Xlib import X, error
+ from gi.repository import Gtk
+ from gi.repository import MatePanelApplet
+ from gi.repository import Gdk
+-from gi.repository import Keybinder
+ from gi.repository import Gio
+ from gi.repository import GObject
++from gi.repository import GLib
+ from gi.repository import Wnck
+ import xdg.DesktopEntry as DesktopEntry
+@@ -79,13 +80,6 @@ keyb_shortcuts = ["<Super>1", "<Super>2", "<Super>3", "<Super>4", "<Super>5",
+                   "<Super><Alt>1", "<Super><Alt>2", "<Super><Alt>3", "<Super><Alt>4", "<Super><Alt>5",
+                   "<Super><Alt>6", "<Super><Alt>7", "<Super><Alt>8", "<Super><Alt>9", "<Super><Alt>0"]
+-# additional shortcuts for the number pad - definitely don't work on my UK keyboards but included
+-# anyway in case they work for other layouts
+-keyb_shortcuts1 = ["<Super>KP_1", "<Super>KP_2", "<Super>KP_3", "<Super>KP_4", "<Super>KP_5",
+-                  "<Super>KP_6", "<Super>KP_7", "<Super>KP_8", "<Super>KP_9", "<Super>KP_0",
+-                  "<Super><Alt>KP_1", "<Super><Alt>KP_2", "<Super><Alt>KP_3", "<Super><Alt>KP_4", "<Super><Alt>KP_5",
+-                  "<Super><Alt>KP_6", "<Super><Alt>KP_7", "<Super><Alt>KP_8", "<Super><Alt>KP_9", "<Super><Alt>KP_0"]
+ def applet_button_press(widget, event, the_dock):
+     """Button press event for the applet
+@@ -500,23 +494,19 @@ def applet_drag_motion(widget, context, x, y, time, the_dock):
+     return True
+-def applet_shortcut_handler(keystring, the_dock):
++def applet_shortcut_handler(keybinder, the_dock):
+     """ Handler for global keyboard shortcut presses
+     Start the app if it isn't already running
+     If it is already runnning cycle through its windows ...
+-    :param keystring: the keystring which was pressed e.g. "<Super>4"
++    :param keybinder: the keybinder object with the keystring which was pressed e.g. "<Super>4"
+     :param the_dock: the dock...
+     """
+     # get the position in the dock of the app we need to activate
+-    if keystring in keyb_shortcuts:
+-        app_no = keyb_shortcuts.index(keystring)
+-    else:
+-        # now look in the number pad shortcurts
+-        print("looking in number pad shortcuts")
+-        app_no = keyb_shortcuts1.index(keystring)
++    if keybinder.current_shortcut in keybinder.shortcuts:
++        app_no = keybinder.shortcuts.index(keybinder.current_shortcut)
+     app = the_dock.get_app_by_pos(app_no)
+     if app is not None:
+@@ -549,9 +539,6 @@ def applet_fill(applet):
+     os.chdir(os.path.expanduser("~"))
+-    # allow us to set our keyboard shortcuts...
+-    Keybinder.init()
+     applet.set_events(applet.get_events() | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
+                                           | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
+                                           | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK
+@@ -603,16 +590,14 @@ def applet_fill(applet):
+         applet.connect("drag-data-received", applet_drag_data_received, the_dock)
+     # set up keyboard shortcuts used to activate apps in the dock
++    keybinder = GlobalKeyBinding()
+     for shortcut in keyb_shortcuts:
+-        if not Keybinder.bind(shortcut, applet_shortcut_handler, the_dock):
+-            log_it("could not bind shortcut %s" % shortcut)
+-    for shortcut in keyb_shortcuts1:
+-        if not Keybinder.bind(shortcut, applet_shortcut_handler, the_dock):
+-            log_it("could not bind shortcut %s" % shortcut)
++        keybinder.grab(shortcut)
++    keybinder.connect("activate", applet_shortcut_handler, the_dock)
++    keybinder.start()
+     applet.set_background_widget(applet)  # hack for panel transparency
+ def applet_factory(applet, iid, data):
+     """Factory routine called when an applet needs to be created
+@@ -634,6 +619,95 @@ def applet_factory(applet, iid, data):
+     return True
++class GlobalKeyBinding(GObject.GObject, threading.Thread):
++    __gsignals__ = {
++        'activate': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, ()),
++    }
++    def __init__(self):
++        GObject.GObject.__init__(self)
++        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
++        self.setDaemon(True)
++        self.display = Display()
++        self.screen = self.display.screen()
++        self.window = self.screen.root
++        self.keymap = Gdk.Keymap().get_default()
++        self.ignored_masks = self.get_mask_combinations(X.LockMask | X.Mod2Mask | X.Mod5Mask)
++        self.map_modifiers()
++        self.shortcuts = []
++    def get_mask_combinations(self, mask):
++        return [x for x in range(mask+1) if not (x & ~mask)]
++    def map_modifiers(self):
++        gdk_modifiers = (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK,
++                         Gdk.ModifierType.MOD2_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD3_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.MOD5_MASK,
++                         Gdk.ModifierType.SUPER_MASK, Gdk.ModifierType.HYPER_MASK)
++        self.known_modifiers_mask = 0
++        for modifier in gdk_modifiers:
++            if "Mod" not in Gtk.accelerator_name(0, modifier) or "Mod4" in Gtk.accelerator_name(0, modifier):
++                self.known_modifiers_mask |= modifier
++    def idle(self):
++        self.emit("activate")
++        return False
++    def activate(self):
++        GLib.idle_add(self.run)
++    def grab(self, shortcut):
++        keycode = None
++        accelerator = shortcut.replace("<Super>", "<Mod4>")
++        keyval, modifiers = Gtk.accelerator_parse(accelerator)
++        try:
++            keycode = self.keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval).keys[0].keycode
++        except AttributeError:
++            # In older Gtk3 the get_entries_for_keyval() returns an unnamed tuple...
++            keycode = self.keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(keyval)[1][0].keycode
++        modifiers = int(modifiers)
++        self.shortcuts.append([keycode, modifiers])
++        # Request to receive key press/release reports from other windows that may not be using modifiers
++        catch = error.CatchError(error.BadWindow)
++        self.window.change_attributes(onerror=catch, event_mask = X.KeyPressMask)
++        if catch.get_error():
++            return False
++        catch = error.CatchError(error.BadAccess)
++        for ignored_mask in self.ignored_masks:
++            mod = modifiers | ignored_mask
++            result = self.window.grab_key(keycode, mod, True, X.GrabModeAsync, X.GrabModeAsync, onerror=catch)
++        self.display.flush()
++        if catch.get_error():
++            return False
++        return True
++    def run(self):
++        self.running = True
++        while self.running:
++            event = self.display.next_event()
++            modifiers = event.state & self.known_modifiers_mask
++            self.current_shortcut = None
++            if event.type == X.KeyPress and [event.detail, modifiers] in self.shortcuts:
++                # Track this shortcut to know which app to activate
++                self.current_shortcut = [event.detail, modifiers]
++                GLib.idle_add(self.idle)
++                self.display.allow_events(X.AsyncKeyboard, event.time)
++            else:
++                self.display.allow_events(X.ReplayKeyboard, event.time)
++    def stop(self):
++        self.running = False
++        self.ungrab()
++        self.display.close()
++    def ungrab(self):
++        for shortcut in self.shortcuts:
++            self.window.ungrab_key(shortcut[0], X.AnyModifier, self.window)
+ MatePanelApplet.Applet.factory_main("DockAppletFactory", True,
+                                     MatePanelApplet.Applet.__gtype__,
+                                     applet_factory, None)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e2b5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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