[mate-tweak] branch debian/stretch/backports updated (fa57326 -> 04816b0)

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Wed Jan 24 20:51:06 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sunweaver pushed a change to branch debian/stretch/backports
in repository mate-tweak.

      from  fa57326   upload to stretch-backports (debian/18.04.2-1~bpo9+1)
      adds  0da6f02   debian/changelog: New upstream release. (LP: #1744565)
      adds  1c5cba3   debian/copyright: Update Source: URL.
      adds  5ea03e1   debian/copyright: Update copyright attributions.
      adds  e259ed7   debian/control: Correct Homepage URL.
      adds  cb07875   debian/control: Drop D (mate-tweak) metacity and xcompmgr. Neither are supported upstream any more.
      adds  30c6e50   lintian: Drop unused override (desktop-command-not-in-package usr/share/applications/metacity-no-composite.desktop metacity).
      adds  dc757a6   upload to unstable (debian/18.04.6-1)
       new  735a0af   Merge branch 'master' into debian/stretch/backports
       new  04816b0   upload to stretch-backports (debian/18.04.6-1~bpo9+1)

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 debian/changelog                    | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/control                      |  4 +---
 debian/copyright                    | 18 ++++--------------
 debian/mate-tweak.lintian-overrides |  1 -
 4 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mate/mate-tweak.git

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