Bug#821949: Please update mate-themes to 1.14 to support Gtk 3.20

Raphaël Halimi raphael.halimi at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 18:06:19 UTC 2016

Package: mate-themes
Version: 1.12.2+gtk3.18-1
Severity: minor


Gtk 3.20 has entered unstable a few days ago, and since then all Gtk3
apps are hardly usable under MATE (hence the "minor" priority instead of
"wishlist"). Just try to use mate-tweak (by the way, why is it a Gtk3
app since it's part of MATE ?).

According to [1], mate-themes 1.14 has full support for Gtk 3.20. Would
it be possible to update mate-themes ahead of a full MATE 1.14 release
in unstable, or at least in experimental ?

[1] http://mate-desktop.com/fr/blog/2016-04-08-mate-1-14-released

Thanks !


Raphaël Halimi

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