Bug#825653: New frame in TraditionalOK/Green themes makes main menu hard to click on

Raphaël Halimi raphael.halimi at gmail.com
Sun May 29 13:20:09 UTC 2016

Le 29/05/2016 à 15:01, Mike Gabriel a écrit :
> Please note that marco is still at version 1.12 and built against  
> GTK2. This can really break theming and such, I guess.
> Please obtain marco from git.debian.org (master branch) and build  
> marco 1.14 locally. If the issue persists with marco 1.14 built  
> against GTK3, please let us know.

I know, I already did.

I had to retrieve marco 1.14 and compile it because when the MATE update
reached unstable, marco was still in the NEW queue and thus the update
couldn't be completed; there were half a dozen of packages unable to be
installed because of one of marco packages (I think it was
libmarco-private1); the control panel and preferences apps failed to run
(~/.xsession-errors had messages about Gtk2 and Gtk3 not being allowed
in the same executable, or something similar) until I retrieved marco
from the git repo and compiled it to complete the MATE update.

So, all three bug reports I sent yesterday were observed under a
complete MATE 1.14 desktop (including marco).


Raphaël Halimi

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