Bug#841460: mate-polkit: gtk3+ errors still persist in .xsession-errors. Package: mate-polkit

Vlad Orlov monsta at inbox.ru
Thu Oct 27 18:57:36 UTC 2016


> Sorry for being such a pain. There indeed is a .config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
> but it doesn't tell where it is coming from  and it does have
> :prelight in the .css file.
> I have attached the .css file although I don't know should I change it
> from :prelight to :hover or just delete it ?

Alright, looks like we found the source of the problem. :)

I suggest moving this file somewhere and see if something changes without it.

If nothing goes wrong, it's best to remove this file to avoid any possible
confusions in the future.

> Trying to find it has some parent is also futile
> ┌─[shirish at debian] - [~/.config/gtk-3.0] - [2586]
> └─[$] dpkg -S ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
> dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /home/shirish/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

Oh, this will never show any results. It's a file in your home dir - no package
would contain any files for it.

> If it was something that I had done, I usually add a comment/note
> about from where I got that file, but this has nothing of that kind.

It might be result from using some theme-customizing software. I don't remember
any tools that would save theme settings to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/ dir, but it looks
like there are such tools.

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