Suspension Notice

UDOO ABAYOL udabayol at
Fri Sep 2 16:07:54 UTC 2016

God purnish all of una 419ners. Beginning from una mama to una papa. Down to all una family. Una thief till dem go shoot all of una throway for ground. It will never be well with you all. Go and try another mans sweat. Na acid una go see.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 4:58 PM, GTBank<pkg-mate-team at> wrote:   
|  | 

Guaranty Trust Bank eLectronic Notification Service (GeNS)
This is to notify you that your account has been placed on hold pending for additional electronic verification.

You will not be able to log in to your account, if you do not respond
within 5 working days your account will be Close.

To avoid account suspension, folow the instruction below.

Please Click Here https://GeNS. /login.aspx

Thank you for banking with Guaranty Trust Bank

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