Bug#849267: ITP: mate-equake-applet -- Mate panel applet which monitors earthquakes

Jeroen van Aart android at e-quake.org
Mon Jan 16 09:40:42 UTC 2017

Mike Gabriel wrote:
> Hi Jeroen,

> So let's get this ITP rocking...
> Please sign up on Alioth (Debian's development portal). Once there, move 
> your packaging files (only the debian/ folder) to git.debian.org.

I created an account on alioth (equake-guest). It doesn seem I am able 
to commit anything (yet) to git.debian.org, but perhaps I am overlooking 

> Join us on #debian-mate on irc.debian.org, so we can continue from 
> there. My nick there is "sunweaver".

I joined the channel. I should apologise beforehand if my responses lag, 
I am on US Pacific time, but as long as you mention my nick I will 
respond once I read it.


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