Bug#869698: Additional information

Erich Minderlein erich.minderlein at edhec.com
Thu Jan 11 13:38:39 UTC 2018


This not only applies to the resume state, the mistake seems to be a 
general one.

it also applies to a running desktop , where the screen should have been 
blocked due to time out from inactivity.

Right now I  left the desktop running, had a nap and after return this 
action occurred.

Returning after absence and doing input action such as mouse movement or 
keyboard, the screen reappears from dark and shows the status as when I 

eventually the blocking occurs and the unblocking password input window 
shows up.

I Use 2 desktops, both on actual systems

output uname -a

Linux `hostname` 4.9.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u2 
(2018-01-04) x86_64 GNU/Linux

debianversion 9.3

MATE Desktop Environment 1.16.2

As should be :

Blocking shall occur, when the timer times out, instantly, OR before 
suspend and similar operation

As is:

Blocking occurs, when when the timer times out AND input action occurs. 
(Screen may be dark before)

Best regards

Erich Minderlein

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