mate-system-monitor patches

Wences René Arana Fuentes aranaf51 at
Sun Feb 9 18:45:59 UTC 2014

> 1.
> Please make one change per commit. Keep commits minimal so it's easy to
> revert commits and or cherry-pick later. For the initial start of packaging
> this seems irrelevant, but for later cooperation, it is good to learn and
> practive these things early.

Thanks for the advice, I will do it for the next group of patches that
I will send it to you

> 2.
> Our Vcs-* fields should point to our packaging Gits on

Sorry, I use the fields that are in [0], I will change it and update the wiki.

> 3.
> debian/copyright: Still needs much more work... (something that also
> Vangelis still has to go deeper with... ;-) )

Thanks I will check that

> 4.
> debian/control:
> a)
> are you sure that mate-doc-utils _and_ gnome-doc-utils are needed???

I added it because mate-doc-utiils doesn't provide it, doing a little
research is mate-doc-utils-gnome the correct depend, I will fix it

> b)
> Please also add me, Adrian and Stefano to Uploaders: field.


> 5.
> Did you add a debian/watch file?

The repository already has one and is working fine

> 6.
> debian/rules:
> I don't think it is appropriate to remove license files from the help
> context of the programme, esp. without replacing the files by some links (I
> think mate-desktop also has them). Rather provide lintian overrides for
> these internal documentation/help files.

I will check that because I add that links for the info in [0]

> So far so good!
> Mike

I wiill update all the data that all you provide me that will help
another newcomers to the team.

Cheers o/


Wences Arana
nacido para ser libre
Debian FTW
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