LXDE and MATE installed on the same system

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Fri Mar 14 15:14:51 UTC 2014

Dear LXDE maintainers,

(resending due to wrong mail address for the pkg-mate-team ML, sorry  
for the noise on lxde-debian ML)

(in replies, please expicitly Cc: me as I am not subscribed to the  
lxde-debian ML).

at $WORK we have tracked down some problems caused by LXDE packages  
when LXDE and MATE are installed on the same system. The systems that  
this issue is encountered on are installed with Debian wheezy (+  
unofficial MATE packages).

The main issue that made me look at the LXDE packages is this:

On every MATE login via the display manager, I see a message box, saying

    GDBus.Error.org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An
    Authentication agent already exists for the given subject.

The already existing agent comes from the package lxpolkit. The  
problem lies in the .desktop file of lxpolkit as found in  

I know that the lxpolkit package has been merged into lxsession  
recently and that lxpolkit is not launched via XDG autostart anymore.  
However, the below questions remain:

1. Why not use "OnlyShowIn=LXDE;" with LXDE desktop files?

Many LXDE applications launch or show up in MATE sessions and menus.

The problem is that that those desktop files use a variant of this line:


However, under Debian using LXDE in OnlyShowIn is also supported.

Would it make sense to replace those NotShowIn= lines by OnlyShowIn= ?

2. Why not limit LXDE applications to LXDE?

Several LXDE applications appear in all desktop shells (e.g. lxterminal).

Will the LXDE team be open to patches that limit the menu display of  
those applications to LXDE only? If yes, I would send some patches for  
the affected packages.



mike gabriel aka sunweaver (Debian Developer)
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Fingerprint: 9BFB AEE8 6C0A A5FF BF22  0782 9AF4 6B30 2577 1B31
mail: sunweaver at debian.org, http://sunweavers.net

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