Processed: mate-session-manager: no shutdown or reboot action possible on kfreebsd
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Sat Aug 30 10:33:05 UTC 2014
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> retitle 744264 mate-session-manager: no shutdown or reboot action possible on kfreebsd
Bug #744264 [mate-session-manager] mate-session-manager: systems logs out when invoking shutdown ore reboot
Changed Bug title to 'mate-session-manager: no shutdown or reboot action possible on kfreebsd' from 'mate-session-manager: systems logs out when invoking shutdown ore reboot'
> tags 744264 - moreinfo
Bug #744264 [mate-session-manager] mate-session-manager: no shutdown or reboot action possible on kfreebsd
Removed tag(s) moreinfo.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
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