Bug#766879: Strange behaviour after update of python-caja in Debian (from 1.8.0-1/testing to 1.8.1-1/unstable)

Mike Gabriel mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de
Sun Oct 26 14:46:49 UTC 2014

Hi Norbert,

On  So 26 Okt 2014 14:53:15 CET, Nrbrtx wrote:

> Package: python-caja
> Severity: grave
> Version: 1.8.1-1
> Dear Debian developers!
> As you may know from GitHub (mate-desktop / caja / 322
> <https://github.com/mate-desktop/caja/issues/322>) and from LP: #1170017
> <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1170017> I'm trying to port TortoiseHG
> extension from Nautilus to Caja (see comment 18
> <
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-python/+bug/1170017/comments/18
> from the bug).
> I placed my python extension script in my BitBucket repository
> <https://bitbucket.org/nrbrtx/caja-thg>.
> For integration with Caja my script should be copied to
> ~/.local/share/caja-python/extensions/caja-thg.py
> after that Caja should be relaunched with caja -q.
> I tested it in Debian 8 (jessie/sid) with python-caja 1.8.0-1 - it works as
> expected (there are green star icon on a folder and TortoiseHG drop-down
> menus - see screenshot).
> But if install new python-caja 1.8.1-1 from unstable my extension does not
> work.
> My caja-thg.py is the same (unchanged), there are no errors in
> ~/.xsession-errors and manual launch of the script (with python
> ~/.local/share/caja-python/extensions/caja-thg.py) does not produce any
> errors. So I'm stuck.
> Could you please help me to determine the problem?

Does it work to put the extension into





mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de

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