Bug#766749: Fixed upstream, patch included
Nachanon Vetjasit
nachanon.vetjasit at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 06:41:43 UTC 2015
Control: tags -1 + upstream
Control: tags -1 + patch
Control: tags -1 + fixed-upstream
Hello everyone,
This bug also applies to Debian/wheezy-backports version,
but only if compositing window manager was not enabled.
The bug is now fixed upstream, see upstream bug report for details.
Upstream bug: <https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-power-manager/issues/110>
Attached file is the upstream patch, originally tested against
1.8.0+dfsg1-2~bpo70+1 (Debian/wheezy-backports).
Patch URL: <https://gist.github.com/nachanon/2c3f43a30bdab1786fd3>
As the patch was merged verbatim on the upstream master
and Fedora MATE maintainer confirmed that it works with git checkout,
it should work on Debian/testing and Debian/unstable version too.
Nachanon Vetjasit
P.S. Current users can use this patch to fix the already-installed
mate-power-manager without rebuilding the package as well.
# cd /usr/share/mate-power-manager
# patch -p2 < /path/to/1003_fix-backlight-popup-gtkbuilder.patch
(Replace "/path/to/" with an actual folder that the patch resides in)
And logout then re-login to see the result.
This is method also tested against installed 1.8.0+dfsg1-2~bpo70+1
(Debian/wheezy-backports) too.
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