Bug#783000: mate-terminal.wrapper fails with double quotes in the command line
Mike Gabriel
mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de
Mon Apr 20 11:52:54 UTC 2015
Package: mate-terminal
Severity: important
Version: 1.8.1+dfsg1-4
13:37 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, If x-terminal-emulator is used and
uses -e with a double quoted command the wrapper doesn't support
double quoting.
13:38 < sunweaver> do you have a patch already`
13:38 < sunweaver> ?
13:38 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, No patch yet,
13:38 < sunweaver> ok.
13:38 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, For example x-terminal-emulator -e
sh -c 'echo hello && sleep 5' will work.
13:39 < flexiondotorg> But xterminal-emulator -e "sh -c 'echo hello
&& sleep 5'" won't
13:40 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, I have one quick patch.
13:40 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, I think.
13:42 < sunweaver> ok...
13:42 * sunweaver is currently into some other stuff...
13:42 < sunweaver> If you can send a patch to BTS?
13:42 < sunweaver> or at least those two below command lines?
13:42 < sunweaver> s/below/above/ , of course...
13:43 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10855701/
13:43 < flexiondotorg> That is adapted from gnome-terminal.wrapper and works.
13:44 < flexiondotorg> However, this is perl where as the upstream is
python. Thoughts?
13:45 < flexiondotorg> sunweaver, ^^^ >
13:46 < sunweaver> I don't feel well diverging from upstream here.
13:46 < sunweaver> Unless they accept the Perl script for some later
upstream version.
The referenced "paste" is attached.
mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148
GnuPG Key ID 0x25771B31
mail: mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de, http://das-netzwerkteam.de
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