[Pkg-matrix-maintainers] (no subject)

Gutierrez enquiry at asia-expresslogs.com
Wed Nov 30 18:28:04 GMT 2022


Your  personal info  from your  gadgets was  duplicated to my own  storage  with a  help of  my custom  virus  thru the  wireless  network,  I was  able to gain  admission to  your computer via  the wireless  gadget you were  connected to, a  couple of  weeks  ago and  I also  currently  have  all the  security  passwords and  admission  to your  social  media marketing  mail, contacts, etcetera. 

The drivers kind  as well  as its other  fingertips  constantly alters  & is  not traceable  nor it  is visible  by other  anti-virus apps. 
There's a  lot  more to  that, though, i additionally  got an  access  to your  webcam  along with  your  web browser history  and what's occurring  on your display  screen.  Well I  observed that  you like to see  some mature  web-sites and  you do  this  often  and it  is likely  you  currently  realize exactly  why I  hung around  this long  to message you.  Hence anyways  I pasted  a few  of  your wanking  video footage  together  with the display  screen footage  and now I  demand an  academy award.  It is  now under  your control  to be  able to  determine if this  specific video and  a lot  of your private  information will  be revealed to all  your contacts social  networking buddies or  maybe not. I'm supposing  that  this really  can ruin  your status.  

But there's  definitely the  right way  to  solve this  matter: You  will need  to drop  me 1400  $ (USD)  using BTC  (equivalent at  the  day of  the swap  itself).  

Once  this  will  occur I  promise to  delete all  of your  info from  my internet hosting  space  and i'll  forget about  you. My  personal BTC  transaction address:  bc1qvg33ynln72fcldtfls60h2awxtvg5z8f8y9hey

Remember to  search on  line  the best  way to  get or  forward btc  if you  don't know-how. 

It's  a trackable  text &  I will  know  once it's open.  The email is  likewise  not monitored  and there  isn't any  point  in replying to  me. There are  now 2 days  from the  time you  see this to  transmit  me the  cash. 

Your computer  data  will be  released to  the public  if you  try to  get hold of police  force  or find  additional third  party  solution, &  there's  likewise zero  reason for  altering passwords to  your social  network, devices,  or whatever, as  I've  already downloaded  everything into  the  servers. 

It is now  your decision  to either  behave dumb  or carefully  consider  your possible  future and  act smart.

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