[Pkg-monitoring-maintainers] imap monitoring

Russell Coker russell+debian at coker.com.au
Tue May 23 08:50:35 UTC 2017

I've attached the first version of a check script that tests for new mail in an 
IMAP folder.  The idea is that you have an address like monitoring at example.com 
and have one test script sending regular mail to it and this script checking 
for the mail via IMAP.  That way the whole process from SMTP transfer to user 
reception is tested.

Does anyone have any suggestions for improvements?  I was thinking of some 
sort of header check so that if OpenDKIM changes it's configuration file format 
and stops signing my mail (as it has done before) then I'll notice it 

My Main Blog         http://etbe.coker.com.au/
My Documents Blog    http://doc.coker.com.au/
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