[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Fwd: l10n for iceweasel4 beta?

Dmitry E. Oboukhov unera at debian.org
Thu Sep 9 10:04:16 UTC 2010

CK>>> Dear Debian Mozilla Extension Maintainers,
CK>>> Could someone please tell me if there exists a matching iceweasel-l10n
CK>>> source package available for the Iceweasel 4.0 beta package available here:
CK>>> http://mozilla.debian.net/packages/
CK>>> Thank you for your help:
>> I haven't built it because there is no debian package for iceweasel4.
CK> The packages at the above link are going to become official debian
CK> packages at some point.
CK> (They are maintained by the Debian Mozilla maintainers.)

>> If (When) it is built and uploaded, I'll build and upload it, too.
CK> I do not need them built; I could work with the sources, if you could
CK> make them available somewhere.

My package is available on git.debian.org (see VCS-* records in

see the branch '4.0' there.

use pristine-tar to get .orig.tar.gz
use dpkg-buildpackage to build :)


doesn't contain most of languages, so I took old xpis.

PPS: I haven't tested it yet, because I haven't installed 4.0 version

... mpd is off

. ''`.                               Dmitry E. Oboukhov
: :’  :   email: unera at debian.org jabber://UNera@uvw.ru
`. `~’              GPGKey: 1024D / F8E26537 2006-11-21
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