[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] firetray-0.3.4

Andrea Veri and at debian.org
Sat Nov 26 11:55:18 UTC 2011

On Sat, 26 Nov 2011, Sascha Girrulat wrote:

> Hi Andrea,
> all firetray versions at testing/unstable don't support the actual
> icedove version there (3.x). At this time it only support's the actual
> iceweasel version. Iceweasel 8 is the reason wy i do a rebuild.

yes, and that's why I suggested you to upload it to experimental which 
has iceweasel-9 and icedove-8.

There's a lot of changes to work on on the latest firetray package, 
also I would suggest grabbing the xpi directly from [1] without 
building it through upstream's cvs which is not updated since the 
0.3.0 release.

Upstream now ships a shared library into components/, we need to find 
a good way to set up another binary to contain those and having them 
installed before xpi-pack runs, but I guess tweaking debian/rules 
should do the trick.

Let me know if something is not clear enough and most of all have a 
great weekend.


[1] http://code.google.com/p/firetray/downloads/list
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