[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] https-finder: membership please :)

Benjamin Drung bdrung at debian.org
Wed Nov 21 23:03:35 UTC 2012

Am Dienstag, den 20.11.2012, 13:57 +1100 schrieb Dmitry Smirnov:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 09:13:06 Benjamin Drung wrote:
> > Welcome in the team.
> Thank you. :)
> > > Meanwhile source package is available from
> > > 
> > > 	https://mentors.debian.net/package/https-finder
> > 
> Packaging is in repository now:
> 	http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-mozext/https-finder.git

Thanks. The repository just contains the debian/ directory. All other
pkg-mozext repositories store the upstream code in their git
repositories using a upstream and master branch. May I ask you to do the

> > There is a newer standards version available.
> Could you elaborate a bit please? 
> "Standards-Version: 3.9.4" is the current one, right?

Yes. The package from mentors had 3.9.3 as Standards-Version.

> > Do you know wrap-and-sort?
> Now I know, thanks to your hint. :)

Good. May I ask you to run it?

> > You can drop the comments from debian/rules and debian/watch.
> I prefer to keep them. I specifically put those minimum comments there as I 
> think they are useful. We won't gain much by dropping few lines...

We would gain a faster scanning of the content with less clutter. 25% or
33% less lines to read. The comments in debian/rules and debian/watch
should explain special cases or stuff a random packager does not know.

DH_VERBOSE is documented in the man page of debhelper. It is not
specific to your package.

debian/watch is the watch file used by uscan. This is common knowledge
and probably documented in different places. The empty lines could be
trimmed, too.

I had the same opinion as you in the beginning and my sponsors ask me to
drop these kind of comments.

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer

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