[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Bug#713526: firetray: diff for NMU version 0.4.6-0.1

David Prévot taffit at debian.org
Wed Jul 10 02:58:06 UTC 2013

tags 648890 + patch
tags 648890 + pending
tags 678575 + patch
tags 678575 + pending
tags 705487 + patch
tags 705487 + pending
tags 713526 + patch
tags 713526 + pending

Dear maintainer,

I've prepared an NMU for firetray (versioned as 0.4.6-0.1) and
uploaded it to DELAYED/2. Please feel free to tell me if I
should delay it longer.

I spare you the boring full debdiff (all paths changed between 0.3 and
0.4 as the attached diffstat shows) and only send you the packaging
diff (I can provide the full debdiff if you prefer). I’ve worked on Git,
based on the existing repository, so I can hand you the commits if you
wish too.

Please note that I took the full source from GitHub (as documented in
the updated d/copyright) instead of the partial one pointed in d/watch.


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 src/modules/ctypes/linux/x11.jsm               |  251 ++
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 src/modules/linux/FiretrayGtkIcons.jsm         |   49 
 src/modules/linux/FiretrayPopupMenu.jsm        |  210 ++
 src/modules/linux/FiretrayStatusIcon.jsm       |  348 +++
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 src/modules/logging.jsm                        |  163 +
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 testing/prop-editor.c                          | 1345 +++++++++++++++
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 testing/xev_desktop.c                          |   60 
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 199 files changed, 13374 insertions(+), 13991 deletions(-)
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