[Pkg-mpd-maintainers] Bug#699208: `service mpd stop` fails silently

Florian Schlichting fschlich at ZEDAT.FU-Berlin.DE
Sun Feb 24 19:08:44 UTC 2013

Control: tags 699208 +moreinfo

Hi Christoph,

> The mpd initscript silently fails to stop mpd (returns with exit
> status 0 but mpd is still running):

are you able to reliably reproduce that, even after a reboot? Your trace
shows that start-stop-daemon returns with exit status 0, so either it
did what it was supposed to do (unlikely), or there was nothing for it
to do, e.g. because the pid didn't match the process. Could you please
dig a little deeper, and check that the content of /var/run/mpd/pid
matches the pid of the running mpd instance? Or run the
start-stop-daemon command directly, changing --quiet to --verbose?

My suspicion is that something external messed with mpd's pidfile (tmpfs
mounted over /var/run after mpd was started?), but this doesn't have
anything to do with mpd's initscript, which hasn't changed since


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